Can you believe we’re getting close to the halfway mark of 2020? And what an unusual way for many of us to have spent the first five months of the year—being indoors for an awful lot of it! That, of course, meant having to rethink our training and racing schedules, alter the kinds of workouts we do, and often cutting way back on the duration and intensity of our training sessions.


Fortunately, it appears that things are moving forward in a positive direction, which means it’s time to get outside and train, with the very real prospect of races happening later this year. Woo Hoo!

For many athletes, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and try to do more training volume and effort than our bodies are ready for (I call it the “too much too soon” syndrome). It may vary among sports, but it is believed that up to 75% of injuries occur from increasing the mileage and exertion too quickly. And with 40% of the season already over, we can’t afford to take that risk.

It may be tempting to double up on length and force in the hope of getting the upper hand on later-season races, but please don’t go there. Instead, train wisely and in deference to your body’s current condition, make sure you take a day or two off for rest and recovery, and incorporate Tissue Rejuvenator into your daily supplement program, even on your days off.

If you aren’t already on a daily regimen, now is the perfect time to take doses of either form of Tissue Rejuvenator, or a little of both, each and every day. While both Tissue Rejuvenator formulas are known primarily for their ability to reduce aches, soreness, and swelling—and they do that job impressively well (it’ll make a BIG difference in your recovery)—their uniquely potent blend of joint-nourishing ingredients will help maintain the strength of your body's cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue. Daily doses of Tissue Rejuvenator (two capsules twice daily), or a Tissue Rejuvenator/Vegan Tissue Rejuvenator combination (1 capsule of each twice daily), will provide the raw materials needed for strengthening the joints and providing the protection you're looking for. And when the time comes to ramp up training volume and energy, your body will be ready.

Remember that the benefits of both Tissue Rejuvenator formulas are cumulative, meaning that you won't build up a tolerance to either product. Also, consistent use is vital for achieving the best results. Because of the extremely late start to this year’s racing season, it’s even more important to start injury-free and keep it that way, which is why you need an effective product to help protect against joint-related injuries and provide a safe and side-effect-free way to alleviate aches, soreness, and swelling. You need one or both Tissue Rejuvenator formulations!

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