Ambassador Spotlight: Holli Graham

Tell us a little bit about yourself: 

My name is Holli Graham and I live in Canmore, AB with my family.  I work EMS and as a firefighter/high angle rescue technician.  My passion is wilderness rescue and medicine so I enjoy putting my skills to use not only for my employers but also at adventure races and ultra races around North America as part of the safety teams.  My most favourite sports have always been climbing (rock and ice) but I started trail running a few years ago after some injuries and it quickly became one of new favourite activities. The trail running community is so supportive and races offer new challenges at every race. In addition to climbing and trail running I enjoy downhill and backcountry skiing as well as cross country skiing. When I get the time I am also a volunteer trip leader with the Alpine Club of Canada.  One of my proudest adventure achievements is having completed the 256 mile Pennine Way when I lived in England. 

What are you working toward in 2020?

I am pretty excited for 2020 as I was able to sign up for a race I had been keen to do for a few years as well as hopefully finally complete my first ultra (injuries have prevented me from training properly in the past for one). At the moment my list is:
             - Broken Goat 25km (Rossland, BC)
             - Golden Ultra 60km (Golden, BC)
Hoping to add more if my shift work allows.

Why Hammer? What are your favourite products?

Working shift work and training definitely provides some challenges in recovering properly or eating on the go. I find Hammer products help fill the gap I needed and they taste great.  There is also a good variety so I am not always having the same flavour all the time.  My favourite products are:
Chocolate Recoverite -  This is  great for easy post workout recovery when I dont have time to make a meal after the gym or a run. It tastes great and I know I am getting the essentials I need to recover and be ready for my next session. I always have a shaker ready with recoverite in my gym or work bag.
Fully Charged Pre-exercise Ignitor - This provides a great boost when I need it to get to the gym or go for my run, especially since a lot of my days start at 4am.  
Raw Energy Hammer Bar Oatmeal Apple - This is my favorite way to fuel when i am on a long ski, climb or run. The bars are easy to carry and they keep my energy levels up so I am able to keep going on my longer days out in the mountains. 
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